Saturday 16 January 2010

Song 2 - "Anyway"

The first number was just feeling our way really. I simply added a piano track to Rob's mix and that was it. A bit more was going to happen in the next song - "Anyway", the first of my efforts.

"Anyway" was written on 7th October 2009. I had first intended to make it about the two of us, but soon discovered, much to my shame, that I knew so little about my own Nephew, that I was struggling with the lyrics.

Instead, I just imagined a couple of guys the wrong side of 50 or 60, sitting on a park bench and having the "Where have our lives gone" conversation. The rest came easy.

I recorded all my tracks and emailed them to Rob for his additions. As you will see from part of the song extract, we harmonise together for the first time in our lives (weird). Rob added some nice acoustic guitar and in the space I had left him, he put a superb guitar solo - some of which you can hear. Can you believe that Rob could not use the amps to get the effect he wanted on the guitar because the electric fences over there interfere and make the amps crackle. I never even knew he was in prison! I reckon he did a pretty good job just using the guitar effects pedal.

When replying, Rob suggested a string track added in the last verse which I subsequently recorded - (you'll have to buy the track or, better still, the full album to hear that though - details will appear on Rob's website once the whole thing is finished).

One of the obstacles we discovered that we were going to face when we did this song was the difference in our accents. For example - I sang the word "fast" as any true Englishman would - i.e. "farst" whereas Rob sang it as "faast". We agreed that on my songs he would be English, and on his, I would be a Kiwi.


  1. Another great effort guys! You have *NO* idea how much I want to hear the whole track now. Can't wait!!

  2. Oh yes the electric fence - the bain of our lives LOL its very fortunate that Rob is quite the clever bugger and usually finds a miracle way around any obstacle that comes along.

    "Anyway" was the first track i heard from this album and i was really impressed with the clarity of your voice, and the fact that it brought across a sincerity and none of this whining buzz that so many of the Brit acts seems to be about these days. Of course when I first heard the song I related it in pretty much the same way as you have explained but thought of it in terms of you and Rob perhaps getting together oneday and over a quiet drinky (or more...) doing some memory gathering from the good ole days a long time ago :-) (hey you brought the age thing up :-)

    Now being that this was the first track I'd heard you play on and also knowing Rob's family are all capable in the music stakes, it came as no surprise that you could tinkle an ivory and hold a note - but I was pretty impressed I have to say - and as Rob will tell you I'm a picky bugger :-)

    As for the harmonies and melody - im all for 'em and your voices do work well together. But then again if Rob can sing with me and Houey then he can sing with anyone :-)


  3. Richard

    "Anyway" was the first song I had written for almost 9 years - too long. This project with Rob has completely re-generated my interest in writing - I had not realised how much I enjoyed it. Long may it continue - Rob is probably one of the few musicians I can work with as he has lots of talent but not a big ego - a rare combination, but I feel I am the same (well on the ego front anyway) so the partnership is working so far.

    I'm game for a drink with anyone - but I would love it if Rob and I could just get together for a few before we leave this Earth.

    Thanks for your kind words about the song mate -especially the bit about the vocals (my weak area I feel) - anyway, much appreciated.


  4. Hey Paul - thats good that you have been able to re-light the fires there, I would say you're blessed with an ample amount of talent there - so don't let it go to waste, keep knockin' out the tunes. You hit the nail on the head there, for both Rob and myself working together on all these different things, it's always been about the music first - I've learnt so much from him by leaving the ego at the door, just going into things with an open mind (and an open bottle of something...) and seeing how it goes - that throws up allsorts of weird and whacky ideas.

    Indeed that would be a fine thing if we could get Rob and Carol up to your neck of the woods, or if you were to come down under at some point it'd be nice to meet you, of course we would have to lock you in the studio and get some piano out of ya LOL

    Just remember - we all have a voice, it's up to the listeners to be able to tap into it in the right way required.

    I'm always happy to lend an ear and wish you both all the success with this project, I think it already is.

    ps I'll add a link to this blog from the GW+Friends facebook page while I'm thinking of it, some of our friends over there may be interested in this project, in fact I know some of them will be.

  5. When Paul's first song came through! I was really impressed, it didn't take many listens to know that this was a fab song (my reason
    for wanting to open the album with it).Paul was trying to tell me that his vocals weren't really up to standard, but that is hogwash as he sings really well as far as I am concerned.
    I love his english accent while singing, and his voice reminded me very much of the days when I was really hooked on Alan Parsons
    (I still am) Paul has shades of Eric Woofson and Colin Blunstone in his voice, so that for me is a cool thing as I have always loved that
    style of singing and writing

    Well Paul had set the bar very high with his first song and he had my attention thats for sure!
    I wanted to do a good guitar solo in this song, but struggled to get the sound I was really after as the local electric fences click clicked through my Peavey amp and I was forced to give up! I had to settle for an amp simulation on my Zoom 10 track digital recorder, using my Les Paul Gibson to get some tone. I think that solo is ok, but perhaps suffers from the same thing that Paul's first piano track suffered, not wanting to over do it, it may be a tad quiet in the mix, though some may argue? Anyway! Paul loved it, and that made me happy and I can live with it.
